

33 Uppsatser om Sen vikingatid - Sida 1 av 3

Sm 144 Gursten : En småländsk runsten från tidig vikingatid

I denna uppsats undersöks Gurstenstenen, en småländsk runsten från tidig vikingatid. Syftet är att granska tidigare läsningar och tolkningar och revidera dessa där det behövs, samt att utifrån en sannolik tolkning av inskriften säga något om dess sakliga bakgrund och syfte. Eftersom studien syftar till att läsa och förstå text utgår metoden från en beskrivning av läsandet som psykologisk process. I varje del av detta arbete har den mest sannolika lösningen valts utifrån en jämförelse med annat runmaterial. Resultatet innebär en nyläsning och -tolkning av en av inskriftens rader.

Vikingatida sjöslag

This essay have its main focus on understanding how the usual naval battle under the viking agelooked like. The timeline in question is the year 793 to the middle of 11th century. The main sourceof information are taken from the sources that have the runes and scaldic verses as their referecepoint. The study will take a brief look at the viking ships used in those battles and the weapons andarmor the soldiers would use. And then try to understand their part on the battlefield..

Privat och kollektivt : Lås- och nyckelanvändning under sen järnålder i Mälardalen

The aim of this work is to give a broader and more nuanced picture of the use of locks and keys during the Iron Age, in particular the late Iron Age, in the Lake Mälaren region. This has been done by comparing two buildings: the hall on Helgö and the living quarters in the garrison on Birka. Here we can see two very different areas where locks and keys were important parts of the daily life. The study also includes a typology of padlocks based on the findings from the same places as the building study and their surroundings..

Religionsskiftet i Skandinavien under vikingatid och medeltid i ett kvinnoperspektiv

The conversion in the Viking Age and the High Middle Agea in Scandinavia and how this affected women is discussed. Did women get a better life when the people had converted to Christianity or not. Our written sources are later than the conversion to Christianity. Instead the material culture, graves, grave goods and runic stones, can help us understand the life of women. Nordic mythology presents a contrast between faith in the Viking Age and Christianity..

Tecken på handel mellan Blecinga eg och andra sidan Östersjön under vikingatid

This paper is focuses on trade between eastern Blekinge and the other side of the Baltic Sea during the Viking Age. There are scarce tracks of trade in the area but one place, Skällenäs, isdifferent. Here a treasure has been found with coins from England and Germany and some of the place names are here probably connected with places on the other side of the Baltic.This discovery can be an indication of trade but the paper should be seen as a first investigation and could be the basis of a more extensive survey..

Vid min sida : en undersökning av människans relation till hästen under vikingatid och medeltid

The purpose of this essay was to try to understand the relationship between the horse and man during the last part of the Iron Age and trough out the Medieval Age. To be able to get a result I investigated the horse's tending, work within agriculture, riding, warfare, breeding, to stable horses, oxen, sports and hunting, eating of the horse and age at slaughter and more. The results showed that the horse's position changed from the later part of the Iron Age throughout the Medieval Ages and in different ways for, respectively, the elite as for the peasant culture..

Interpunktion i runstensinskrifter från tidig vikingatid

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka interpunktionens form och funktion i tidigvikingatida runinskrifter samt att därigenom också föra den teoretiska och metodiska diskussionen kring fenomenet runinterpunktion framåt. Undersökningens material består av runstensinskrifter från danskt område och från Götaland. Till viss del beskrivs interpunktionens form med hjälp av termer och metod lånade från grafonomin. Studiet av interpunktionens funktion begränsar sig främst till en syntaktisk analys med syfte att identifiera i vilken mån de syntaktiska gränsernas nivåer bestämmer hur interpunktionen används. Till viss del berörs även andra funktioner, till exempel textavgränsning, med utgångspunkt i innehållet.

Arbetsknivar : En funktionsanalys av knivar från Birkas Garnison

This paper deals with knives excavated in the Birka Garrison between 1997 and 2004, in a selection of 100 knives out of approximately 400. The aim is to measure and analyze the material to find out if certain elements in design points to a specific craft. Two groups of knifeblades can be seen, one with a convex bevel and one with a flat bevel of the blade. Considering osteological evidence, historical sources, and the main suitabillity of the knives, it is concluded that some of the flat beveled knives may have been used for crafting leather and fur, whereas the convex beveled knives are of an allround type..

Det vikingatida bågskyttet i Birka : Ett exempel på en framstående stridskonst med främmande inslag

This paper deals with archery in the Viking Age settlement of Birka and in particular the presence of Euro Asiatic, steppe nomadic archery equipment at the Birka Garrison and one Birka grave. The equipment contains for example closed quivers and a bow case. This paper also contains a discussion of archery battle techniques and tactics in Viking Age Birka and the implications of the above mentioned equipment to this discussion. The analysis insinuates the importance and status of archery in 10th century Birka..

Fantastisk måste synen av den vikingatida kvinnan ha varit... :förmedlingen av den vikingatida kvinnan i arkeologisk kurslitteratur

Detta arbete behandlar förmedlingen av den vikingatida kvinnan i arkeologisk kurslitteratur. En kvalitativ studie av materialet delar upp förmedlingen i åtta olika teman. Inom dessa teman redovisas citat som har valts ut för att representera de vis som den vikingatida kvinnan har förmedlats på. Resultatet visar att bilden av kvinna har förändrats under perioden som studerats. Den bild som ges i kurslitteraturen är sammankopplad med den arkeologiska forskningsteorins utveckling samt rådande samhällshegemoni.

Diet och identitet : Analyser av kol- kväve- och svavelisotoper på indivier från det kristna senvikingatida gravfältet i Björned, Torsåkers socken, Ångermanland

This paper deals with the late Viking age/early medieval grave field in Björned, Torsåker parish, Ångermanland County in northern Sweden. The grave field in Björned is rare because it has all the signs of being Christianized before the surroundings. This awakes questions such as if the people of Björned came from another place and brought the religion with them or if someone else did that for them. To find these answers I have analysed the stable isotope ratios [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]34S in human bone collagen. Through these stable isotopes we can not only see what the people consumed but also where their food had its origin.

Beslag eller buckla? : En studie av platta järnfragment från hallhuset i Birkas Garnison

This paper deals with flat iron fragments from the Viking Age hall situated in Birkas Garrison, Adelsö parish in Uppland. The aim of the study was to identify which objects these flat fragments were originally derived from. The aim was also to discuss the function of these objects and their presence in the hall. This would hopefully increase the knowledge about the hall and the warriors who lived and worked there. In some cases the fragments form and placement in the hall has not provided enough information to classify the object from which they derived.

Dödens uppluckrade identiteter : Gravar på gränsen mellan hedniskt och kristet

The Christianisation of Sweden is not much about religion. Instead, there is much to be gained by looking at it as a colonial situation with changing social identities and power structures. This is evident by the prevalence of hybridisations in the archaeological material.Some of the material categories that show the clearest example of changes are the burials from the 9th century up until about AD 1200. This is exemplified by two different Iron Age burial sites in Stockholm county, Uppland, Sweden: RAÄ 59, Valsta, in Norrsunda parish and RAÄ 40, Lilla Ullevi, in Bro parish; They both show hybridisation by involving older elements with newer ones during a time period when the church was not quite established in the region yet.The Christianisation of Sweden is a colonial situation, but the research tradition has often also used a colonial lens from the 19th and early 20th century in its approach to the period. This means that the same questions, interpretations and conclusions, often based on written sources, have been continuously reused for a long time, which has had consequences for the archaeology in Sweden..

Hästoffer i fornnordisk religion

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hästoffer i den fornnordiska religionen. Jag kommer att koncentrera innehållet i undersökningen kring tiden för yngre järnålder: folkvandringstid (år 400 ? 550), vendeltid (år 550 ? 800) och vikingatid (år 800 ? 1060). I vissa fall kan exemplen vara från både tidigare och senare tid än den avsedda. Detta material kan ändå vara relevant att ha med i sammanhanget för att få en bred inblick i offrandet av hästar i nordisk, förkristen sed.

Terrass III i Birkas Garnison : En funktionsanalys baserad på fyndkvantifiering och fyndpreparering.

AbstractTerrace III in the Birka Garrison. An analysis of function based on artifact quantification and find preparation. This paper deals with Terrace III in the Garrison of Birka, Uppland, Sweden. The main purpose is to investigate the function of Terrace III. The analysis consists of two parts.

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